Q3: I've been looking at the 880 maps and 'Western_Europe_880_3810 ' is probably what I will need but it is showing that it is '2032MB' in size but, underneath that map, it shows 'Western_Europe_880_3862 (1665MB)' which shows the size as being '1665MB' and this should fit on my 2GB device but, I would like to retain all of the options and functionality that came with the new device (but no menu options that I cannot use) so, can anyone advise me please? Q2: Having just connected the device to my computer (not TT Home), it shows that there is only '25MB' of FREE space available so I don't think I will be able to 'fully update' my device to the latest v880 WE maps? Q1: The device has a 2GB storage space and it has Western Europe MAP v875 3669 installed and, for a new device, is that not quite an old map?
I just purchased the TomTom '5' XXL Classic and I have a couple of questions which I hope you guys can answer for me?